Texas Rock Band BLACKTOP MOJO has released their second animated video for their two part compilation series, “Darlin I Won’t Tell”. Created by front-man MATT JAMES and bassist CATT MURTIS on the porch of the band’s house in Palestine, TX, with…
Texas Rock Band BLACKTOP MOJO has released an animated, “Jealousy/Make Believe,” a two track compilation and first installment for the 3 song concept within their 2021 released, self-titled album. Created by front-man MATT JAMES and bassist CATT MURTIS on the porch…
Southern California based heavy rock band KillSET has released the official music video for “I’m Done.” Co-produced by Eddie Wohl (Anthrax, Fuel, ill Nino, Smile Empty Soul) and KillSET, the music video for “I’m Done” was directed by Vic Mendoza (Vicscover Art Productions). “The…