Texas-based jazz-pop singer-songwriter Lyndol Descant introduced her new single/music video “Let It All Krumble” not long ago.
Talking about the song, Descant shares, “I wrote this song 8 years ago; my first year in Brooklyn. I was hustling hard, renting a room, and barely making rent. I was surrounded by all the grossness of NYC that you have to experience on a daily basis; from pollution to rotting garbage to poverty to dilapidated living spaces that cost more than a whole house back home. But despite what surrounded me, I felt more alive than ever. I was songwriting like crazy, performing weekly and teaching music to children from all walks of life. I was so just so thankful for the experience. I really did feel a whole new level of joy and peace on the inside. This type of invulnerability can get you through the tough times, so I wanted to share it at a time when so many are facing tremendous obstacles in their lives.”
Born in Houston, Texas, later followed by studying jazz in Paris, France, Descant teaches composition, piano, and voice at the Brooklyn Conservatory. When not teaching, she is writing and/or performing.
“Let It All Krumble” rides low-slung rounded keyboard tones, rippling with buoyant textures, and then kicks into a jazz-flavored rhythm tinted by polyrhythmic pulsations. Descant’s rich, dulcet voice infuses the lyrics with warm, affectionate rinses of coloration.
A psychedelic-like breakdown, topped by echoing timbres, gives the tune a surreal interlude and then rolls back into upbeat Coney Island-like textures.
“So look at the darkness, and the darkness turns to light / Forgive your oppressor and lose the need to fight / Love those who wronged you and be free of trying to be right / You must unlock your love, and let your soul take flight.”
The video, even though it depicts images of dilapidation, carries an optimistic message – art sees and finds beauty in what at first glance appears to be ugly.
Lyndol Descant offers a unique perspective on the world and life on this delightful music video – “Let It All Krumble.”
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