Well-known film and video game composer and engineer Megan McDuffee recently released her sophomore album, Crimson Legacy.

Megan McDuffee
Talking about the album, McDuffee says, “With ‘Crimson Legacy,’ I wanted to capture the surrealness and essential weirdness of the 1970’s – 1990’s movies I grew up with. Films like ‘Labyrinth,’ ‘Dark City,’ ‘Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland,’ ‘Legend,’ ‘A Clockwork Orange,’ and ‘Rocky Horror Picture Show.’ They all had a quintessential darkness, griminess, and strangeness to them that transported me to a realm of dreams and nightmares. That’s what I aim to do with my album – to take the listener into an edgy, disturbing-yet-alluring fever dream filled with lust, revenge and whimsy. ‘Crimson Legacy’ is for all my fellow weirdos, witches, warlocks, and creatures of the dark corners of the earth.”
With her trademark heavy retro synths, McDuffee incorporates a number of modern genres into her passion project: industrial techno for “Your Demise,” progressive metal for “Forgive Me” with RichaadEB, an off-syncopated form of trap/wave for “Entity,” and conventional trap for “Twisted.”
Tattoo.com caught up with Megan McDuffy to toss a series of random, hopefully revealing questions at her. Questions designed to get to know more about her.
Top 3 songs of all time?
Aaaarg, this is so impossible but for the sake of the interview I’ll say “Sexx Laws” by Beck, “Bloodsport” by the Sneaker Pimps, and “I’m The Supervisor” by Infected Mushroom.
What are three words that describe you?
Adventurous, persistent, goofball.
Favorite movie?
What do you think is your greatest accomplishment?
Starting a music production business from scratch and being able to make a great living doing what I love.
What’s a fear of yours that you think is fully justified?
The long answer is an accident that leaves me unable to produce music. Also drowning would suck.
Are you a cat person or a dog person?
Gibson guitars or Fender guitars?
Both get the job done, I can’t choose between two legends.
What’s your favorite family tradition growing up?
Board games at Thanksgiving with my cousins, whom I rarely got to see.
What’s the most random fact you know?
A shark’s skin is made up of little flat “v” structures called denticles, that are more teeth-like than scales. They reduce drag and help sharks be more efficient and silent.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
When I was super small, I wanted to be an astronaut or a marine biologist. But after about age 8 I knew I wanted to be a professional musician.
If you had the chance to know when you died and how, would you take it?
Nope. Living with that metaphorical ticking clock would be quite difficult.
Favorite drink and food?
I’m a tea fiend: green tea, black tea, Thai iced tea, yerba maté, just give me an IV already! As far as cuisine I love a bowl of proper spicy ramen with a miso egg, or a burrito filled with beans, cheese, guacamole, fresh salsa, etc.
What is something that no one else seems to care very much about but makes you crawl the walls?
When I see people throw cigarettes on the ground, especially still burning. I just think, ‘Really? You must want to live in garbage or start a wildfire.’ I get so pissed off, ha-ha.
Must-have on your car?
I need cup holders to support my tea addiction.
What is one thing you’re good at that people don’t expect?
I’m quite good at pole dancing. Also, crafty stuff like crochet.
What smell transports you to another time and place?
The Vanilla Dee-Lite body lotion from Lush cosmetics. I’m instantly transported back to college, playing Majora’s Mask in my dorm room with my best friend.
What’s your favorite article of clothing that you own?
I have a simple black cotton halter top that is so flattering, and I hope it never wears out!
What’s something you’re proud you’ve never done?
Happy I’ve never received a speeding ticket.
BlackBerry, iPhone, Android, other?