Metal/hard rock trio, Gus McArthur, has released the video, “The Calling” ahead of their forthcoming EP, Chapter 2: Fanatics, due out 12/8/17 and the second installment in a larger “book” of EP’s.
We really stretched ourselves musically for “The Calling”, we wanted to create something we had never come close to before as well as achieve the message Gus had sent. The song pulls influence from Rammstein, RATM and even NIN/Trent Reznor. We utilized synth layers built off of an old Korg, complimented by the Kemper audio profiling amp; which allowed us to achieve the unique guitar tone we had been searching for. This has become one of our crowd favorites live and only gets more fun to play every time, we hope you have received the message from Gus; the time to gather is now! -Gordon Allen
Stay tuned as more chapters unfold and Gus McArthur drop more material leading up the the release of Fanatics. Catch them live on October 21 at the Garden Grove Amphitheater and get a taste of their “audacious, fast, hard hitting, and lyrical” (Bravewords) vibe.