It had been almost two years since we’d seen our “2014 Best Trio of the Year”, Kyng, so we were excited when we heard that they would be performing at Houston Open Air. Unfortunately, Mother Nature was being less than lady-like and their set was cancelled, but we did get a full interview with their drummer, Pepe Clarke. We discussed all things Kyng, road life, tattoos, and their new album “Breathe in the Water”- which is out now. The following week, Mother Nature was in a much better mood at Louder Than Life in Louisville, KY and we finally got to witness and take pictures of their amazing set. Check out theirsocial media pagesfor a show near you and pick up “Breathe in the Water”, available oniTunes, Amazon, and many other outlets.
ROCKwell Un(derground)Scene print magazine was created by Melissa "Mischievous Mel" and Wes "Rockwell" Anderson in 2013, primarily focusing on live coverage of Rock to Metal bands live shows and festivals. Melissa & Wes also own The Edge Rock Radio, and Rockwell Anderson - THE Brick & Mortar Music Mecca, just an hour north of Dallas, TX. Since early 2016, Melissa & Wes have been working with as media partners, sharing coverage of live shows and festivals around the U.S. and abroad.