If you were at The Curtain Club on February 16th in Deep Ellum, TX, you got to experience Bobaflex‘s latest release ‘Eloquent Demons‘ in the flesh.
The lights were dim, the red curtains draped in front of the stage, and hundreds of fans filed their way through the crowd to get up close and personal with Bobaflex. Finally, the curtains were drawn back, the intro kicked in, the flicker of the strobes pierced the darkness and BAM! In came the vocals of Martin McCoy accompanied by the highly talented Shaun McCoy (guitar, vocals), Dave Tipple (guitar, vocals), Tommy Johnson (drums), and Jymmy Tolland (bass, vocals).
At this point the crowd was pumped & ready – their energy was explosive. The lady next to me in the front row, dare I say, was losing her shit. She was poking her head under the curtain before the show and was told by security to STOP doing that for obvious reasons. She went into full bitch mode until the band took the stage. Thank God she snapped out of it when the performance began – she threw her fist in the air and stayed fired up the entire time. To me, she represented exactly what it means to be a true-to-the-core Bobaflex fan.
Now that you know about the crowd let me tell you about the band. The sound, the lights, the master showmanship from all the members as each one of the six-string assassins, was exactly what the crowd wanted. The unheralded rhythm section wove everything together (bass & drums), and Marty gave it his all. They gave the crowd foreplay, then they came in and finished us off with a rock and roll one-night stand that kept us screaming for more.
Be sure to check them out when they hit a stage near you – and they will.
CLICK HERE to read our album review of ‘Eloquent Demons‘