What is the matter with the world if one human deliberately goes up to another human asking him/her for a painful procedure that is not necessary for physical well-being?
We live in an open world of opportunities – a successful and a well-structured system. There is a place for everyone to become a part of the network of many connections throughout the world. It breaks into countries, counties, cities, homes, families, and finally to separate human beings…and one of them is You.
Once in a while, something in the system goes wrong, and parts of the puzzle fall out to create a new world of their own – those we call the “underground” or the “subcultures’’. If you were brought up in a well-balanced family, loved and cared for from the day you’ve entered this world, you may have seen the phenomena that we are talking about here, but most likely you wouldn’t even be reading this article right now. But if you are one of those “bad apples” that don’t fit into the main system you may have already found or created a new system for yourself. There is no such thing as life out of the system. Looking into yourself, every one of you now may find that it’s not so perfect. For some, it is very close to that point in life when you feel that you are about to break. A final crash down…
Tattoo… We will let Viktoria (a guest in our studio) speak out with her words about it:
“Tattoo is a reincarnation of your inner-being. It opens up so much potential of a human. Tattoo can be a representation of an important event of your life, a form of protection, or can tell the viewer about the person you are. It’s a ritual of reincarnation. Once you go through the process of getting a tattoo, you won’t be the same person you were before. The inner state of you and your outer self will be changed. Once you’ve coped with many hours of pain your respect toward Tattoo as a subject will change completely, it will no longer be a picture on the skin, it’s a part of you. You feel how it grows into you and gives you a strong power to go on living. After a day of tattooing everything that you’ve been holding inside for many years – comes out. With moans, screams, tears, and cries all the evil comes out of you – cleaning your body and mind. At the end of the day, you are finally left with a tired body and a light head. Your body is calm. And now… looking in the mirror you are no longer the same as you were before.”
In our studio, a Tattoo is not just souvenir on the skin. We take it up to an absolutely different level of how we think it should be treated and for that, it gives a load more in return. The experience of it is a ritual for your mind, it is a test for your body and it is a beautiful extraordinary transformation of your inner and outer self.
What comes to us in creating Tattoos for people – we research, experiment with new techniques and composition – every project takes an individual approach because every guest of our studio lives a different life and even anatomically they are all different from each other.
In our interpretation, Tattoo is a reflection on the body of the one on whom it lives! Any Tattoo being on the skin of a human directly or indirectly changes the attitude of others to that person as well as their own attitude toward themselves – partly changing their life and sometimes even turning it all the way around. You either use your Tattoo in your life or Tattoo will use you – but a Tattoo will never be indifferent – that is what lays the foundation of Biografika.
The interpretation of Biografika is a part of every human being on our planet. Biografika is a name, it’s what we call our vision of the world, and by chance, this name happened to be taken for tattoos that we create.
Chance….Chance in the matter of fact decides for everything on Earth. Just like that every Tattoo – was, still, is, and always will be the matter of chance. Isn’t the fact that you are reading these words right now a matter of chance? The same way – by chance, a human is getting a Tattoo that will change their life. A Tattoo on your body will live, it will change your mind, your appearance, and self-esteem. Around you, everything will change too.
That is what we call Biografika – a Tattoo that will bring a very important chapter into a story of your existence.
Find out more at: https://www.facebook.com/abusev.tattoo/