Sometimes the tiniest tattoos have the most meaning. A tattoo does not need to be large in scale for it to truly express its wearer. Are you thinking about getting a tattoo that is meaningful to you, but don’t want anything too big or obvious? This is the perfect list for you! Check out these 20 tiniest tattoos with meaning for ideas and inspiration:
A tiny moon (or planet?) is seen here just above the elbow. A tiny world on the arm makes this tiny tattoo pretty important!
This may be the tiniest skull and crossbones on earth. Behind the ear is a cute spot for a tattoo.
For feminists, this symbol is important. While it may be small, it packs a punch.
A tiny cloud with even tinier black hearts raining is an adorable tattoo design!
The way that this tiny red heart matches the wearer’s red necklace creates a lovely look.
For readers, this tiny book with a watercolor style is tiny but means everything.
Recognize these tiny flying silhouettes? Peter Pan, Wendy, John, and Michael are all on their way to Neverland!
A mountainscape at your feet? With a tiny tattoo like this, even the smallest space can have a full mountainscape!
We all know these symbols in the computer age. The one on the left can be quite frustrating!
White ink can make cute tattoos even cuter, like this tiny white swan.
A tiny blue cloud on this wearer’s chest has a special meaning for her.
Who knows what each dot means to the wearer, but these tiny dots are bound to mean something important.
This may be the tiniest bicycle ever!
Matching white ink arrows among best friends or families is a wonderful way to make a tiny tattoo very meaningful.
Matching yin and yang foot tattoos are a tiny way to bond with a loved one.