Mustaches are signs of manliness. They can really change the way a man’s face looks. It can make them look tough or edgy. Let’s face it, mustaches look cool…most of the time. The following list is comprised of both tattoos with prominent mustached figures in them, others are tattooed mustaches that the wearer can use as a faux mustache when needed. Others are actual tattoos where a mustache should be. And still others are quite questionable and may make you scratch your head in disbelief. Ready to check out these 10 insane mustache tattoos? Let’s start with some good ones:
There aren’t too many mustaches out there as unique as the one that belonged to the most famous surrealist artist, Salvador Dali. You know, the guy that painted melting clocks and what not. This tattoo looks as if Dali is peeking just outside of the wearer’s ear. A well done tattoo overall!
Here’s a steamp punk versio that also looks inspired by Bill the Butcher form the Scorcese film, “Gangs of New York.” That is a badass mustache tattoo!
Here we have another Salvador Dali fan, with this black and gray, realistic portrait tattoo.
Okay, let’s get into the mustache finger tattoos. This is a recent development, and it’s usually younger men or women who cannot grow a full mustache.
This tattoo and mustache enthusiast took her finger mustache tattoo up a notch, and is actually quite cute!
Talk about taking the finger tattoo mustache up a notch, this girl has a tattoo and a monocle! While this might not be an actual tattoo, the idea is pretty clever!
Okay, let’s get to the tattoos that are inked where a mustache could, or should be. Not sure what “Family Tradition” this entails.
Ladies out there, do you love it?
I think this might be The Raiders’ biggest fan!
And now for the most discreet mustache tattoo!