Dolls have always been creepy, even when they were considered not creepy. Let’s face it, this little humanoid creature, often quite beautiful, will keep you up at night. And with good reason! Many of us have had nightmares of dolls coming to life and being malevolent. Some even claim to have experienced paranormal moments involving dolls. With the dichotomy of cuteness and beauty contrasting creepiness and evilness, we get the perfect subject matter for art. What better canvas for such art than the human body through the means of tattoo? Are you a fan of the combination of cute and creepy? Then this might be the right direction for your next tattoo design. Get inspiration from these 10 Creepy Doll Tattoo ideas:
Realistic and 3D, this doll’s head is both beautiful and broken, ornamented with filigree elements along the wearer’s neck.
This blue haired doll seems to be sucking the life out of you through those big eyes!
A creepy pale doll with no eyes and a joker’s mouth will be enough to haunt your nightmares.
Tattoo Arist: Paul Acker
Ventriloquist dolls are some of the creepiest dolls out there.
There is something ever so slightly off that can creep you out down to the core.
This pink haired doll, while cute, is not one to be trusted.
Not many dolls are more feared than the dreaded voodoo doll.
Tattoo Artist: Cecil Porter
What is more scary than the doll face is the face behind it, who is that?
THis creepy doll seems sad. We almost want to find out how to help, but it’s probably a trick!
Tattoo Artist: Jeff Gogue
Super realistic, highly detailed and ornate, and beautiful colored broken doll on this tattoo enthusiast’s neck.