If you’re gonna get a black henna tattoo, you mind as well book an appointment with a tattoo artist and get the real thing.
Ashley Burke learned this lesson the hard way while vacationing with her family in Cozumel. She thought it would be funny to get a black henna tattoo with the words “No Ragrets” written across her chest (like the character in the movie “We’re The Millers”).
Ashley’s been home for over a week and let’s just say she’s having a ton of “ragrets” as the words that were supposed to be long gone are pretty much branded onto her skin. What a nightmare.
What’s wrong with Black Henna?
First of all, there is no such thing as Black Henna! Henna in it’s purest form is not black. It’s orange-red in color. “Black Henna” (BHTT) is mixed with PPD, a chemical substance that is often used for PERMANENT hair dye. This substance is abrasive and can be extremely dangerous when applied to your skin, causing painful, long-lasting, “ragrettable” side effects, including:
If you got a black henna tattoo without suffering any adverse reactions, consider yourself lucky. We recommend steering clear of the substance at all costs. Better to be safe than end up with skin like this.
Texas Woman has “Ragrets” Over Black Henna Tattoo was last modified: December 22nd, 2017 by Erica B