“I was a bit nervous at first.” Those were the words from lead singer Dakota Gartner of Naked Walrus when I asked him what it was like to open the first Sabroso Festival of 2018. I have to say that he hid his nerves extremely well. When they took the stage they came out with the balls of a beast and it was easy to tell that the crowd was impressed.
We got a chance to get the boys half naked at the 805 Brewing tent at Sabroso as we chat tattoos, music and more. Btw – you may notice Dakota wearing a radio communicator on his shoulder. That’s because he was pulling double duty on this day. Before and after the bands set he was working on the production crew for SGE – the festival organizers.
If you want to know more check it out here. Also, tune into www.EdgeRockRadio.com as we blast some Naked Walrus for you.
Interview: Naked Walrus at Sabroso Festival 2018 – Dana Point, CA was last modified: April 20th, 2018 by ROCKwell UnScene
ROCKwell Un(derground)Scene print magazine was created by Melissa "Mischievous Mel" and Wes "Rockwell" Anderson in 2013, primarily focusing on live coverage of Rock to Metal bands live shows and festivals. Melissa & Wes also own The Edge Rock Radio, EdgeRockRadio.com and Rockwell Anderson - THE Brick & Mortar Music Mecca, just an hour north of Dallas, TX. Since early 2016, Melissa & Wes have been working with Tattoo.com as media partners, sharing coverage of live shows and festivals around the U.S. and abroad.