Photo by Kevin Scanlon
The Descendants are one of the most influential bands to come out of the American punk rock scene. Originally formed in 1977 in Los Angeles, the Descendents are still at it with a new album out this month and a European tour starting in August. Concha caught up with lead singer Milo Aukerman at Punk Rock Bowling 2016.

We’re so happy to have you here at Punk Rock Bowling! Milo how have you been?
Muy bien!! Muy bien!
Hey! Milos’ from the varrio!! Where you from Milo?
I’m from LA, from the beach cities, South Bay.
Hey puro Los, puro Los! Ok Milo, what have you been doing all this time? We’re so excited to hear from you again and see the Descendents playing. I understand you’ve been wearing a white coat.
Yeah I was a lab rat for many years, living in Delaware working at a major corporation that will go unnamed, but as of January of this year I’ve decided to kinda move away from the science and just do music. So it’s been about since 2010 we’ve been out playing shows again and it’s been so much fun so I decided I’ll just keep doing that.

We are so happy to have you back! I’m sorry to the scientific community, but you can’t have him no more! He’s ours! We want him and we had him first ok! So go away! He’s ours! So Milo, after Punk Rock Bowling, you’re playing and you’re headlining, have you played Punk Rock Bowling before?
I think this is the third time we’ve done it, we did it in 2011 and 2013 – something like that.
And any new albums coming out for the Descendents?
Yeah we have a record coming out at the end of July called Hypercaffium Spazzinate
That sounds like me in the morning! I like that! If only they could make the caffeine in an intravenous form!
Exactly! That’s the idea, kind of the conceit of the record, that I have somehow synthesized a bonus version of caffeine and it’s more potent than caffeine itself, and that’s where the name comes from.

Oh my God you are a miracle worker!! I must have this plant! Make it for me!
Yeah well it’s in very limited quantities but I can spare some for you.
Beautiful! I will pay any amount for this! It might as well just be liquid cocaine but I don’t care! I’ll take it! Whatever!
There is a free basing step involved in the synthesis of Hypercaffium Spazzinate.
And I’m ok with that. I’ll freebase the cocaine, I mean the caffeine! I don’t freebase cocaine
So Milo, I also understand that you’re going to Rebellion Fest.
That’s correct! Never been there before so Blackpool, England, that’ll be fun.
Wow that’s amazing, ‘cuz you know what? I’m gonna be there too and I went there last year and Milo, it’s unbelievable! You’re gonna have such an amazing time!
Yeah I’m really looking forward to it. We’re doing a bunch of shows over in Europe (that’s the first one we’re doing) and then we’re moving over to the main continent and doing some German shows and some Scandinavian shows.

I know some other American bands are going to be going over there and doing some European tours. So it’s so great that we’re getting over there cuz they don’t get to see us very often.
Yeah we haven’t been there in at least two or three years so it’s high time we went over there. The record is gonna come out and then immediately after that we are in Europe so it’s gonna be good, we can introduce people to the new songs and everything.
Awesome! We are so excited and I’m sure they are going to be so excited to have you. Thank you so much for the interview and sharing all this with us! Thank you from On the Nod and
Hasta la vista!
Click here to purchase tickets to Rebellion Fest
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