Emo fans, rejoice! The highly anticipated Secret Stuff/Sundressed split EP is nearing its release date of July 29, 2016 via Spartan Records. Prepare yourselves for some true guitar driven authenticity, free of electro-polish and full of basement must. The short four song compilation offers two songs from each band, all remaining true to the endearing imperfections of 90s emo rawness in one quaint yet explosive 7 inch vinyl.
Secret Stuff, from Nashville, is anything but the Music City’s stereotypical act. Amid commercial auto-tuned twang and bubblegum choruse, Secret Stuff brings their secret stuff to the musical melting pot and demonstrates hoarse wailing vocals upon bouncy American Football inspired guitars on their two trackst titled “Ew, You Taste Like Cigarettes” and “You Betcha, Pal.” There is an element of pre-mature junior high attitude in the song titles, but the lyrics indicate a mindset that is, at the very least, in the 11th grade.
Arizona’s Sundressed brings an essence of punk to the split EP with their tracks titled “Autopilot” and the acoustic “Best Of/Worst Of.” Early Brand New influences surface from time to time in the iconic self-pity nature of “Autopilot,” which features an unmoved front man stuck to the couch as his life passes by. Sundressed showcase a touch more grit than Secret Stuff but complements the first half of the EP with their softer acoustic version of “Best Of/Worst Of,” which evokes memories of The Starting Line in their “Playing Favorites” era.
Fans of the sappy, hopelessly romantic, and self-loathing original emo realm will surely appreciate the Secret Stuff/Sundressed Split EP for its nostalgic potential. Both bands partake in a larger coming of age story that reflects on growing up as a non-conforming emo kid that we all knew, loved, and perhaps once were.
Rating: 3/5