Metal labels should prepare to place their bids on the UK’s newest heavy act, From Inside, who are slated to release their new EP titled The New Era on January 13, 2017.
With a tinge of Linkin Park’s older hits along with the new melodic atmosphere of Bring Me the Horizon, From Inside produces some next level metalcore that incorporates cinematic electronics, complex double bass, grating screams, and silky smooth R&B-coated clean vocals. The guitars remain assertive and carry the mood of each track as the songs still manage to break apart from one another and possess captivating dynamics.
The EP opens us with “Still Breathing,” which stands alone and is perhaps the album’s strongest track. It sets the tone for the rest of the songs to follow and demonstrates each member’s ability to own their instrument.
When it comes to personal favorites, “Two Sides of Me” takes the cake. The music marries well with the lyrics, allowing the instruments to tell the story of a dichotomized spirit. It is beautifully syncopated and orchestral to produce a tune of epic proportions.
From Inside are pushing forward with a new wave of metal, reminding heavy music fans why they loved it in the first place. Keep an ear out for these guys. Rating: 4/5