Being an introvert can make for a beautiful life. There is a misconception that introverts are all shy and antisocial. This stereotype is not true at all. Some introverts may be shy or antisocial, but the only difference between introverts and extroverts is where they obtain their energy. Extroverts gain energy from other people. Introverts gain energy from within. Introverts need time alone to recharge that energy, kind of like charging your phone. When able to charge as needed, their boundless imagination and creativity are a superpower when it comes to whatever their interests are. Are you an introvert and proud of it? Want to celebrate your unique brand of introvert life in a tattoo? Check out these 10 perfect tattoos for introverts for ideas and inspiration:
See that lone petal drifting away from the rest? Introverts often need to spend time alone to recharge.
With introverts, what they choose to show to the world is often not a fraction of what’s actually going on inside. This tattoo shows the surface upside down, and an entire universe up above.
Books! An introvert’s main loves in life.
Introverts will understand this right away. We are happy in our own worlds, and could sincerely say this to people we love (we mean no offense!)
Inside each introvert is a sparkling galaxy of information and creativity.
A stack of books and a cup of tea? The perfect introvert afternoon.
Another concept of an entire world inside, where no one can see.
Introverts often have a green thumb. It’s an act of creation that does not do with having to talk or socialize with another person, but instead, you are connecting to nature. It’s a wonderful feeling.
This is the general feeling of being an introvert who has accepted and appreciates the strengths of being an introvert.
Alice from Alice in Wonderland was in her own world, brought in by The White Rabbit.
10 TATTOOS FOR INTROVERTS was last modified: November 21st, 2017 by Naomi V