Gem and crystal tattoos combine the stones glimmering nature with bold, contrasting lines. This often-overlooked trend has been slowly rising this year as more and more people are beginning to see the appeal of these natural wonders. Many creative tattoo artists have worked to combine the naturally jagged shape of the stones with organic animals and figures to compliment the stiff shape. Below, you’ll find just a few stunning crystal and gem tattoos.
These classic crystals show a seamless transition between a huge range of colors.
Crystal sleeve tattoo by @sabstars
A green snake slithers effortlessly between purple, blue, and turquoise crystals.
Snake tattoo by candy_ink_
Crystals also work well within geometric pieces due to their rigidly straight lines.
Geometric tattoo by @jackpashley_
Gems can add a pop of color and can fit into any design.
Skull tattoo by @bigkahuna_tattshack
Even with a simple color palate, crystal tattoos are quite a sight.
Crystal Snail tattoo by @rachelbaldwintattoo
If you’re a fan of floral designs, you can consider offsetting them with a crystalline background.
Floral tattoo by @olivepizzas
If you’re after a more classic and stunning look, you can spring for a more traditional gemstone with added dotwork.
Dotwork tattoo by @biancabirr
An adorable bumblebee hiding within a brilliant green crystal
Bumblebee tattoo by @creepytikicri
We’re in love with the subtle color changes that are happening within the tattoo below!
Rainbow tattoo by @xx_abbeym_xx
Go for a more abstract feel with a splash of watercolor.
Watercolor tattoo by @queenmabofspells
10 Stunning Crystal and Gem Tattoos was last modified: February 14th, 2018 by Kelsey Ferrara