The Force has lost one of its most powerful souls this week. Carrie Fisher, famous for playing the beloved Princess Leia in Star Wars, passed away on December 27, 2016. Fans everywhere were shocked and saddened by the loss of one of their favorite icons. Princess Leia was a strong female character who was tough, beautiful, and didn’t take any crap. She was a role model for many women when they were growing up. She was also a first crush for many men when they were boys.
The following tattoos are celebrating Carrie Fisher’s portrayal of THE Princess. If you are considering getting a Princess Leia tattoo to show your love and admiration for her highness, check out these 10 lovely Princess Leia tattoos for ideas and inspiration:
Here in the middle tattoo with Emperor Palpatine to the left and Obi Wan Kenobi at the right, We see Princess Leia’s beautiful face smiling, with the words “I LOVE YOU,” below her. These of course are the words she says to Han Solo right before he is frozen in carbonite. To this, he responds, “I know,” in a way that says much more, and made women swoon.
This tattoo is a brilliant mashup of the lovely Princess Leia, created in the famous Haunted Mansion style from, of course, The Haunted Mansion at Disneyland.
This tattoo is hauntingly beautiful with Princess Leia’s gaze, her face adorned with David Bowie’s famous lightning bolt. Bowie also passed away this year.
Tattoo Artist: Bosh Bodwell
Created in a style reminiscent of religious Saint paintings by old masters, we see Princess Leia with her arms around everyone’s favorite droid, R2D2.
Tattoo Artist: Stina Wulfe
In a most stylized portrait, this small tattoo captures Princess Leia’s spirit, beauty, and toughness.
Tattoo Artist: Jon FTW of Westside Tattoo
Princess Leia’s “slave” outfit is a popular portrayal because of her natural beauty and sensual appeal. Done in a traditional pinup style here.
Tattoo Artist: Joe Capobianco
In a dramatic and extremely stylized portrait, Princess Leia’s force is strong in this one.
Tattoo Artist: Luis Orellana
Here’s a stylized portrait of Princess Leia truly looking like a badass. Not that she wasn’t already a badass!
Tattoo Artist: Wendy McAninch owner of Tanglewood Tattoo Studio
Here is another portayal of Princess Leia in the slave outfit. What a beautiful Princess Leia pinup tattoo.
Tattoo Artist: Nikki Hurtado
We end this list with a Princess Leia tattoo that completely embodies her softer side. Look at the way she is looking at Han. She truly does love him.